About Fred Wilgenburg: PERSONALLY…. married to Amy for 35 years, three married daughters and eight grandchildren. MINISTRY-EXPERIENCE…. from 2016–present he has been leading New Roots Ministry. From 2000–2016, he began and led the Center of Hope. From 1998–2000, he pastored the Valley Springs Reformed Church. From 1991–1995, he worked in feed sales & livestock consulting for Land O Lakes, Inc. EDUCATION…. B.A. from Dordt University in 1991, M.Div. from North American Baptist Seminary in 1997, D.Min. from Kairos University in 2023
Below are five Videos/Podcasts from Fred’s Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Research:
EPISODE 1–“Introduction—Some Concerns, but Lots of Hope!” (8:56) Video on YouTube OR Audio on podcast
In addition to these 5 Videos/Podcasts episodes, open Fred’s other Podcast Conversations (with a Muslim friend, with a former Buddhist, with pastors experiencing impactful outreach)
- (As you listen to the podcasts, consider checking out my books—Peace Within Reach AND A Search for Common Ground: Let’s Talk. These short books may be helpful to you, or just the right thing for the person to whom you have been reaching out.)
EPISODE 2–“From Staleness, to Vibrancy, We can All Use Some Motivation (13:43) Video on YouTube OR Audio on podcast
- The links below are referenced in episode 2:
EPISODE 3– “Our Beloved Church Confronting Its Challenges (10:41) Video on YouTube OR Audio on podcast
EPISODE 4– “Tools to Thrive as God’s Ambassadors (8:51) Video on YouTube OR Audio on podcast
- The links below are referenced in episode 4:
EPISODE 5– “Churches as Ambassador Launching Pads (8:48) Video on YouTube OR Audio on podcast
- The links below are referenced in episode 5: