Gospel growth among the spiritually-lost, -confused, or -empty, is VITAL for every church.

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Because it was a major priority for Jesus (Matthew 5:13-16, Luke 10:1-12, Luke 15, Luke 19:10, John 3:16-17, many others)—the head of the Church, and for his first churches in the book of Acts.

As well, for the sake of churches to survive, and thrive, and for the sake of societies desperately needing impactful churches, Gospel growth among those who are spiritually-lost, -confused, or -empty, through the efforts of churches is key.

Though always essential, a church’s Gospel growth among the lost, confused, or empty can include local, regional, on-line, and international efforts, and it can be broadly understood, depending on a church’s location, population, life-stage, and other factors.

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While valuing efforts of resources & programs which seek to deepen one’s relationship with God and others, to improve mentoring & discipling, to develop leaders, to improve conflict management, and to improve church-function for the people within churches, as well as thoughtfully promoting implementation of those resources & programs when needed or requested,….

this ministry is FOCUSED ON OFFERING churches 1) assessment of community & congregation, 2) consultation (Ideas), 3) hands-on-help, and 4) follow-up to Grow the Gospel among those who are spiritually-lost, -confused, or -empty.


Presently, “religious nones” (atheists, agnostics, nothing-in-particulars) are the largest religious group in the US at 26%, recently edging out Evangelical Protestants, who have held steady at 25% for the past 13 years. In large part, reasons for that non-growth include the following: 60% of Jesus-followers converse between 0-5 times/month with those who are spiritually-lost, -confused, or -empty–(surveys of 200 people by Fred Wilgenburg). 80% of those who attend church one or more times a month, believe they have a personal responsibility to share their faith, but 61 percent have not told another person about how to become a Christian in the previous six months–(Lifeway Research).

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Many of the in-grown issues of churches will dissipate, and churches will thrive with more positive energy as they place solid effort on doing all they can to grow the Church with those who are lost, confused, and empty.

To learn more about Fred and what he knows, visit Fred’s DMin findings.

Please communicate with Fred by emailing [email protected].